Reaching for the Star

18 Dec 2020

Have you ever think about what the future holds for you? What will your life be like? Wonder about your job? I think about it most of the time. I always wish to achieve all my future goals, like having my dream job in the Computer Science area, programmer, and cybersecurity sounds fun. When I was in high school, I was sure that I would be majoring in business. Computer Science never really cross my mind until I took Computer Science I during my high school years for early college courses. It was hard, especially that I don’t have any prior experience or knowledge of that path. When I registered for this class, I already knew that I could learn a lot here. I also understand that this class is challenging because my past Professor warned us already. He said to do our best to learn because we will need it in the future. It was tough, but I wouldn’t want it the other way because I learned a lot in this class. We learned a lot, like Javascript, CSS, HTML, and other things.

KEEPING IT SIMPLE The past few weeks of the class have been the most challenging time of this class for me, from the very nerve-wracking in-class coding to the final group project that will impact my class performance while teaching me how to work with others with different personalities. When working on our last project, the start is the most challenging part because we have to it right. The first decision we had to make that will impact our whole project. The Issue Driven Project Management helped us break down the things we had to do. From the big picture broken down to smaller problems that are realistically achievable. As always, it is the easiest way to do it and have some progress.

Open Source Software Development Have you ever published your work online? How does it feel? Having my code open for everyone to see is nerve-wracking because they can see what I did. I have so much thought, like, do they like it? What’s in their mind when they saw my work? Then I proceed to think the worst that could happen. I can honestly think of all the negative things but not a positive thought. This is not the first class that I had to publish my work online. I had done it in my past courses, but most of my information is also there this time. They can judge me by how I work, and I know that what I do right now may impact my future. It is essential to be very careful about what to post online because people can look at it once it is there.

Aim for the best As this semester comes to an end, I will continue to learn new ways to develop my coding skills by taking some courses that will help me reach my goal. Hope for the best in all things I will encounter in the future.