Code's Neatness

24 Sep 2020

Coding standards are very helpful because they can help with the code’s bug rectification, minimal complexity, reducing risk of failure and enhancing its efficiency.With coding standards in the way, it is easier to locate and correct bugs that we have in our code. Searching for the mistake in our code takes a lot of time, some can find it in a few minutes but some of us take longer time. Second, the code can be easily maintained. Anyone can understand and modify a little bit if needed. Alos, if the code is complicated it has a higher chance that it might get some errors. Another reason is that it might fail, it is not new that our code fails sometimes which is not good and will give us a headache but if we follow coding standards the risk of failing is lower.

We had been using ESLint for a week. It is definitely both useful and painful at the same time. I like it because it detects the JavaScript code automatically for errors, so you can already see that you made a mistake in the previous parts even before continuing because it is harder to check for mistakes if the code is done then in the end you find out that there is a mistake. Sometimes it can be a distraction because I am trying to type my code and I know there is a mistake but I just want to go back later but the red sign in the side just keeps popping which I also hate.

Like I mentioned above coding standards will be very helpful and I look forward to coding using ESLint. I know some of the things it can do but since it has only been a week I am not sure if there are more that ESLint can offer. I will definitely work around and see what else it can do. I am liking it so far and I hope that ESLint will help me make better codes.