
18 Dec 2020

A semantic UI Framework is constructive when building a website. It provides a lightweight user experience. Their website “” helps me find the right code to use, especially this past week when we started to build websites. It is pretty challenging and fun learning how to create or build a website from scratch. I was worried that I might forget what I learned from the semantic-UI screencast that we had to watch because I couldn’t take down all the notes I need. It was a long video, and I definitely cannot memorize everything. I am glad that they have their website that we all can refer to it anytime we want.

In the past few days, we did a few exercises using semantic-UI, and I am happy to learn about it. I enjoyed recreating websites, and I hope that one day I can code faster than I am now. It is very nerve-racking when we had to do timed exercises, but it also helped me think more quickly.

I feel like I don’t have enough time. At first, I was having trouble making my “top menu” bar information be in the center, and it is frustrating, but I also feel great when I was able to fix it. I wanted to re-watch the “semantic-UI” video, but sadly I used all my time limit. I created a new account to re-watch it again because I know it will help me in the future.

Recreating iTunes took me a few hours. I wasn’t proud of what I did because I could have done better. It is pretty tough at first, but I will practice more. I will never give up because all I need to do is practice more and understand how the code works. After all, no one is perfect. Nobody gets it on their first try. Giving up is never an option for me. I know I can, and I will. It might take me a long time to understand, but I will successfully do it someday. It is my dream to start with; I’ve come so far then why give up now. Even after I submitted my work, I still never give up and work on it on my IntelliJ to make things work the way I want it. I created “div” in each sentence that I created, but one of my friends told me I could use “br” means “break” instead to make it easier. I like semantic UI icons, but sometimes it just can’t make it work, but I guess it is because I missed putting something. Semantic UI was very helpful because I learned what code to use to create specific features for the app.

To sum up, I had fun coding using Semantic UI. Its features are beneficial. I especially like changing the colors, adding images in the app creating features like the buttons. This topic helps me learn to build a website from scratch, and I hope to learn more techniques in the future.