Be Better

10 Sep 2020

Generating “smart questions” are very important for both the person asking and receiver. Smart questions, according to “How to ask questions the smart way” by Eric Steven Raymond are questions that were given a thought. Before asking, the person must try their best to find answers online. We are most likely to find answers or at least a hint by browsing the internet. Sometimes we can’t find the answers quickly but we should take a break and come back again after some time. Searching, reading and understanding information takes time but as long as we are making progress we should be good. After doing all of this and it is still unclear then it is reasonable to ask questions but make sure to include the information that you found in your research. Inform them that you tried to follow what you found in the web and tried everything that you can think of but unfortunately, the problem still wasn’t solved. So the person who will be helping you will feel that you have tried to do it on your own not rely on them. Also, make sure to ask questions in the right place. Don’t just throw questions that are off topic because it will more likely be ignored especially if the group is intended for a specific topic. I think that the question must include, what is the problem, what leads to the problem and what you have tried so far. I found a question from Stackoverflow that I think is a good example of “smart question”. The person asked “why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?” and he included his C++ code that showed what he did. He mentioned that without “sts::sort(data, data + arraySize);, his code runs in 11.54 seconds but with that information, the code runs in 1.93 seconds. He also mentioned that his code sums up some independen terms and that the order should not matter. But he was confused about what was going on and why processing sorted arrays faster than processing an unsorted array. I think that this type of question can pass as a “smart question”. He mentioned some really good information and showed what he did. He tried to give us information that we might ask so the problem will be easier to understand.

“Not so smart questions” are opposite of what I just mentioned above. When questions are all over the place, these are not smart questions. Make sure that it makes sense before clicking submit or send. We don’t want to look stupid. When it doesn’t make sense and is asked in the wrong place. You might be asking about computer science but you ask it in a group about history. They will just ignore your question because it doesn’t matter to them. Know your place. Easy questions are asked in a group that are talking about difficult topics or higher level topics. Outside research is very important to gain knowledge and might find the answer. One example I think does not have enough information to pass as a “smart question” , someone asked “how to print prime numbers in arm language and mentioned that the values need to be displayed in the registers”. I think that this question doesn’t have enough information. This question could have easily been answered by doing research on the web. It feels that it wasn’t given a thought. It did not pass “How to ask questions the smart way” list of things to do before sending questions.

This asking “smart questions” also applies when we are emailing someone. Ask nicely and don’t be arrogant to say that it is a very important question and that it needs to be answered asap because nobody wants to be rushed especially when they are already going to be helping you. Always be nice. Use meaningful and specific subject headers. Always check your grammar and write in clear language. Do not attach unnecessary files. Never use caps lock when it is not needed, sometimes it will appear as you are shouting. If you write in a language other than your first language and sometimes make mistakes, let them know. Overall, clear communication is very important.

[How to print prime numbers up to 10 in arm language?] ( [Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?] (